Breast cancer: early symptoms and Proper Steps to deal with it

When a woman is experiencing pain in the breast part without any clear reason, surely they would be very worried that the pain be a sign of breast cancer early symptoms. You'll definitely never had similar concerns. Because breast cancer has indeed become one of the most deadly diseases for females. In other words, the disease could not be considered trivial.

Talking about breast cancer, the appearance of lumps are accompanied by pain indeed become a serious thing to watch out for. If not promptly sent immediately to a doctor, then these problems can develop more serious. For it, for those of you who are experiencing similar symptoms, we recommend that you check out the following reviews.

Signs of breast cancer early symptoms to watch out for
For information, although often associated with breast cancer, but the appearance of lumps in the breasts does not mean you suffer from this deadly disease. This is true for teens who are still experiencing hormonal changes where there is damage to the tissue that will bring up a lump in the breast part.

Only, most of the cases related to the emergence of the lump was indeed caused by the growth of the cancer. Even more than 90% of the causes of the emergence of these bumps that occur in women with susceptible age 20 to 50 years is because of the cancer, whether it is benign or cancerous breast cancer. As for the most common causes of the appearance of lumps because of the benign nature of cancer is as follows:

Breast infection occurs at the
The appearance of breast disease or fibrokistik, also known as breast disease thickens
The appearance of breast tumor cells
Breast tissue damage
By looking at some of the causes, it will be very difficult to identify if the bumps that appear on the breast cancer included in the benign or cancer of the breast. For that, you have to go to the doctor and do an ULTRASOUND, MRI examination, or by biopsy needles. This aims to ensure this type of diseases such as what you're experiencing.

Development and early stage Breast cancer symptoms
As one of the dangerous diseases and certainly scary, every woman should be aware of the early symptoms that appear due to cancer. Here are the symptoms as well as the explanation:

Breast Size Changes
Some people with early symptoms of breast cancer is a change in the size of the breast. Shapes and sizes slowly going to change because in the tissues of the body, especially the breasts, swelling due to cancer cells. If no further action is given immediately, then the development of the cancer cells will be increasingly uncontrollable.

To change the size of the breast, usually between one and the other breast breast does not have the same size. It is accompanied by pain that is not stuck in the breasts swell.

The Appearance Of Lumps
As described above that the emergence of lump indicates that the condition of the cells in the breast part is being in a State that is not good, whether it's because of the tumor, a benign cancer, or breast cancer. However, for sufferers of breast cancer early symptoms, which will always be felt is the appearance of lumps.

For the layout of these bumps can be right at the breast or even in the area of the breast like the part between the breasts and armpits. On the early symptoms of breast cancer, these bumps can be observed with a hand. When pressed, the bumps will cause pain. This is the most common sign that occurs in breast cancer stage 1. When the condition is breast cancer increasing, then the lumps can also spread at the underarms and beyond.

Wrinkles in the Breast Part
Early symptoms of breast cancer will also be marked by the appearance of wrinkles in the area around the breast. For some cases, the appearance of wrinkles, sometimes accompanied by a rash is red. Wrinkles that increasingly spreads can be an indication that breast cancer cells is getting worse.

Discoloration of the Skin
Other symptoms that can appear in early stage breast cancer is skin color on the breast area has changed. These changes occur because the skin has experienced an infection by the cancer cells found in the skin tissue.

As for the color of the skin that will appear on this symptom is redness as well as when experiencing skin irritation. Don't even start peeling skin is also rarely when this symptom is disepelekan and not given proper handling. So if you experience this, the best step to do is to go to the doctor to get a checkup. (read also: recognize the signs of breast cancer as early as possible)

An unbearable pain
Breast cancer sufferers will not be detached from the pain that is very unusual. The unbearable pain will be increasingly feels when you are in the cold air. The causes of the emergence of pain is because cancer cells that are multiplying in the skin tissue. The development of cancer cells very quickly the other around the breast cells is damaged.

Body Temperature Increase Dramatically
When suffering from breast cancer early symptoms as above, then the body temperature will also be gradually increased drastically. The cause of the temperature increase is the immune system in the body become unstable because of the presence of cancer cells that had been grown in the body. In these conditions, slowly but surely the body will be weakened.

That's some sort of breast cancer early symptoms that should really be noticed. Although menakutnya, but for patients with early stage breast cancer, it still can be treated so that the later the cancer cells do not develop further.

How To Treat Early Stage Breast Cancer
With the development of medical technology that is increasingly rapidly, then could not close the possibility that early stage breast cancer can still be given treatment. As for some kind of treatment that is recommended is to do surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation as well. The form of treatment can only be done by a doctor only. In the sense that while there are natural remedies that can prevent cancer, but there is no natural remedy that can eliminate breast cancer the most.

So when you are experiencing early symptoms of breast cancer, the sooner you take action then the level of success will be higher. This is because when the condition of breast cancer who began to invade the tissues of the body is left, then development will be faster. According to research from the National Cancer, early stage breast cancer sufferers still has a chance to survive to 100% over the past 5 years into the future.

Steps to Detect breast cancer Early
Refers to breast cancer early symptoms such as those described above, you can also checked the health condition in the hospital. This is because even if you experience any of the symptoms of breast cancer, but for sure, the inspection of doctors and hospitals is urgently needed in order to find out whether You have positive breast cancer or not.

In women who have aged 20 years or older, do checks on health at home sekit for at least 1-3 months. Whereas, for those of you who have aged 35 years and above, do an examination of mammografi who can provide the certainty of whether cancer that attacks breast cancer include benign or malignant cancer. (read also: AWARE, engineering examinations early symptoms of breast cancer)

So a little review about breast cancer early symptoms and how exactly to handle it. The sooner you step, then the sooner breast cancer cells also can be destroyed. Hopefully

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