A selection of Healthy Snacks are tasty Recipes for children

Snack food is very liked by the children. Prepare a healthy snack is the duty of the mother so that the fruit of the heart will be protected and preserved from the various diseases that can appear due to unhealthy snacks.

Here are presented a few recipes and healthy snack menu that you can make at home and made provision for school children. So that the child does not have the hobby of spending recklessly which could be at risk against the onset of various diseases such as diarrhea or tipes of course you don't want to happen isn't it? Check this out!

Recipe Healthy Snacks of fruits
The fruit is one of the healthiest food sources suitable snacks for the children. Many easy recipes to make healthy snacks of fruit in addition to fruit salad recipes. The following details the recipe:

Fruit Spring Rolls
Make fruit spring rolls very easy and not hard to choose the type of fruit that you can use as a filling for lumpia. The ingredients you need to prepare, among others, 1 packet spring roll skins (contains 20-30 sheets of spring roll skin), 500 gr pieces dice fruit (you can use any fruit, but it is recommended to use the fruit has a sweet taste like the fruit, Apple, watermelon or jicama). Use more than one fruit to beautify the look in snacks.

The next ingredient needs to be prepared i.e. 1 grain of the egg whites in the shake off, 15 gr of icing sugar and oil to fry the spring rolls. Prepare a wok or frying pan and fry the spring rolls for process burner fruit.

The first step that you can do is take the spring roll skin, fill with one tablespoon of fruit pieces. Next. Oles part edge skin spring rolls with egg whites and fold the triangle-shaped. Pertemukan both left and right ends of the triangle while glue and pressing the contents of spring rolls toward the middle. This process resembles the making fried dumpling.

Prepare hot oil over medium heat, fry the lumpia fruit in the hot oil until golden yellow. Drain on absorbent tissue while waiting for the oil to cool. After cool slightly, serve on a serving plate and sprinkle powdered sugar on top of the spring rolls. Healthy snacks ready to served warm.

In addition to the powdered sugar, you can add cheese, chocolate or fruit jams pasta on top of the spring roll skin to beautify the look. Your child will love guaranteed lumia and not spend it.

Banana Nugget
Banana nugget is the second snack is easy to make Your own at home. The materials need to be prepared, among others, 5 seeds are ripe plantains, 1 packet of vanilla, 2 medium size chicken eggs, 250 grams of flour and bread crumbs to taste. Also prepare oil for frying. Prepare sugar and salt to taste as the giver of the taste. Prepare the cheese also, Brown pasta or brown sow as topingnya.

To make healthy banana nugget there are two processes that you have to put your the first process is steaming IE first, then the second is the process of frying banana steamer results in hot oil.

The first process that you have to do is lumatkan 5 pieces with flour and plantains 1 packet vanilla until evenly distributed. Add a little salt and add 1 tablespoon of the sugar. If you want a sweeter nungget add sugar according to taste.

After the dough evenly, place it on a heat-resistant dish and steamed for approximately 5 to 10 minutes. Be sure the steamer is already hot when you want to insert the dough in a steamer. Once cooked, lift and let it steam heat comes out first. Then cut according to taste.

Prepare eggs and whisk the eggs until evenly put on a container. Likewise, prepare bread flour in a separate container. Insert the piece nugget into the eggs and then the Groove with bread flour to banana nuggets out.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the nuggets to the golden yellow and brownish. Lift and drain the oil. Continue with the granting of toppings to taste. The rest of the nuggets aren't in FRY can be saved and will last approximately 3 to 5 days in the refrigerator.

Pureed Banana Jackfruit-Sum Sum
Healthy snack recipe is pureed banana jackfruit sum sum. Fruit that is required is 6 seeds ripe plantains, steamed and cut angle, 3 ripe jackfruit seeds, seeded and diced. 180 Gr. Brown sugar already melted. For slurry material sum sum among others 300 ml coconut milk, 25 grams of rice flour, 1 sheet of pandan leaves tied the knot, 50 gr granulated sugar, ½ teaspoon of salt.

The first step is to create a slurry sum sum. Enter 100 ml coconut milk into the Bowl containing the teung Nai rice and stir well until no flour to clot. Set aside for a while, bring to a boil the rest of the coconut milk in a saucepan together with pandan leaves, sugar and salt while at stir until boil. Add a solution of rice flour, stir until thick and cooked. Lift and wait until winter.

Pour the pureed sum sum in a serving bowl, add bananas and jackfruit as a toping, flush with red liquid sugar. Healthy snacks for kids are ready to be served. If the weather is hot, you can add ice cubes on top of pureed sum sum, before it is served together with a toping of banana and jackfruit.

Healthy Snacks recipes of Vegetable
In addition to fruit, vegetables is a healthy ingredient to make snacks for children. Choose fresh vegetables and organic would be better and enriches the nutrient content of the vegetables. Here are some healthy snack made from vegetable recipes:

Mini sandwich Garlic Bread contents vegetables and Cheese
To make mini sandwich contents of vegetables and cheese that you can set up a medium-size, among others, fresh bread (use the kind of french bread, if no one can use any kind of bread), 30 gr of green leaf lettuce, coarsely cut 10 pieces of cheddar cheese, 100 gr mayonnaise, 3 thinly sliced tomatoes, 50 gr margarine and 6 garlic cloves, chopped coarse for making garlic bread.

The first step is to make the garlic bread, slathered with margarine and garlic bread above. Heat the skillet without oil above to a brownish yellow.

After the garlic bread is cooked, take one sheet and lay on it a piece of cheese, lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise. Then cover with a piece of garlic bread to another. Arrange the sandwiches over a serving dish sprinkle with grated cheese to taste if you want a taste of the cheese is more abundant.

Simple Vegetable Sushi
Healthy snack recipe-vegetable sushi vegetable content of both is simple. The materials prepared, among others, 1 packet of nori (seaweed) large size, 1 piece of chicken egg whisk off, add a pinch of salt and then fried into a fried egg. 2 tablespoons white rice, cucumber slices to taste box lenght, boiled mustard and mayonnaise to taste.

Above the thick plastic/bamboo sushi rolls clean bunk scrambled eggs, rice and nori, and neat. Add mayonnaise, cucumber and cabbage stew above rice forms a straight line at the base of the bamboo rolls. Roll and compress. Remove and cut the sushi with thickness according to taste.

They have 5 healthy snack recipes made from fruit and vegetables to children that is easy and simple for you to try to make yourself at home. You may like it. Greetings!

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