Fetal development weeks or months 19 5 Pregnancy

The fetus was conceived in the 19 weeks pregnant stomach is half the journey to birth the fruit of the heart. At this gestational age, the parents will be curious as to what fetal development that exist in the content. Whether the fetus is healthy or not? What is sex? And so on. Therefore, on this occasion will be reviewed about the condition of the fetus as well as the care that is needed so that the fetus was growing healthily.

The condition of the fetus is 19 weeks in the womb
When the fetus was 5 months or 19 weeks, the size of its length had reached about 20 cm long with a weight of 240 grams. This message is enough development is affected by the growth of the fetal skeleton starts. To make it more clear, check out the following reviews.

Fetal skin and hair
At this age, fetal skin tissue starts to grow. Along with the growth of the smooth skin, hair also appears on the surface of the skin. Not only that, also growing lanugo or fine leather which has the function of protecting the fetus from amniotic while in the womb of the mother.

For your information, the new skin that grows on a 19-week fetus could not survive long in the amniotic waters. Thus, the presence of lanugo is a boon for the fetus because of her sheltered from the amniotic waters.

In addition to skin and fine hair, appear also hairs forming the contours of the face such as the eyelashes and eyebrows. Although when entering the age of 5 months fetus has not been able to open my eyes, but they can do a spontaneous movement based on reflexes.

Knowing The Sex Of The Fetus
19 weeks old fetus also experienced growth of reproductive organs. Usually, gender baui knowable content at the age of about 16 weeks to 20 weeks. However it would be more accurate if performed while the content of twenty-eight weeks.

As a sign that a fetus in the abdomen of the female sex, can be seen from the shape of the reproductive organs, uterus, and vulva. Amazingly, despite the age of the fetus still enters the month-5, but the fetus has had more than 6 million eggs. This egg will diminish each day until the fetus is born.

Neural Development
Another thing that should be noted is the occurrence of rapid development on the fetal nerve, one of which is a sensory nerve. Weeks 19 to be developments content of age throughout this nerve. All the nerves to the five senses such as touch, taste, hearing, vision, and penghirup has been developing in the brain of the fetus.

Not only that, fetus also began to swallow the liquid called amnion. This is what causes the fetal kidneys produce urine. Usually when the pregnancy enters week 12 to 19, the mother will more often like to defecate. In addition because the bladder is compressed by the weight of the fetus, urine secreted by the fetus also affect it.

The condition of the Mother Enters the womb 5 months
There are some feelings that will be felt by the mother of an infant when the fetal age of 19 weeks. This is because the body is subjected to a process in which a fetus that is in the content of the measure has started to dilate. Here are a few conditions of pregnant women when age 19 weeks.

It Is Easy To Feel The Pain
The mother will more often feel pain in the abdomen, the solar plexus, and legs. Not only that, it will be mild swelling on the ankle of pregnant women. While feeling the pain in body parts, we recommend that you rest your body for a moment.

Actually for the cause of pain in the heart and solar plexus, caused because of the burden of the fetus in the body. The fetus will hit the heart, kidneys, lungs and body. But when the pain felt by pregnant women lasts a long time, immediately check the health condition to doctors.

Abdominal Scars
Other conditions will be experienced by the mother with a 19-week fetus inside her belly is showing up on the stomach. strokes Should the strokes do not have to scratch. Simply give it a smooth sweep to give stimulus on the fetus. In addition, sleeping pregnant women will begin to not sleep. Chapter 5 months fetus of pregnant women will feel a sensation of heat in the stomach so it is easier to perspire.

When the mother suffered the condition, preferably multiply foods rich in vitamin C and iron. As for some of the food is perfect consumed by pregnant 5 months is fresh meat, green vegetables, and fresh fruit. In addition, multiply drinking plain water in every day. (see also: list of foods that can be eaten not pregnant)

Easily Tired
Fatigue is the thing that will be experienced by all pregnant women. At the age of 19 week fetuses, a sense of tired will more often be felt because the body temperature is above normal conditions. To overcome this problem, select the thin clothing so that the body does not become hotter.

Feather heart pain or heart burn is a pain that will always be with pregnant women over 3 months. This is because the stomach smooth muscle fibers have adversely affected pregnancy hormones. In other words, the content of acid in the stomach contents should be settles, can rise into the esophagus.

Pregnant women with fetal age 19 weeks will easily feel the sensation of heat, especially after eating spicy food. To cope with these feelings, you should eat bland foods and consumption could not Digest. Not only that, the consumption of cold milk is also recommended for the health of the fetus as well as overcoming the sense of heat in the stomach.

Shortness Of Breath
Shortness of breath caused due to decreased stamina. In addition, the stamina of pregnant women that drained system also caused by blood circulation in the body which are hard at work. For your information, the system of maternal blood circulation in pregnant women have a double job. The first is pumping blood throughout the body efficiently. And the second is the pump body through the umbilical cord that will be streamed to the body of the fetus.

This is a reasonable condition that will be experienced by any pregnant women. Therefore, make sure that the consumption of foods rich in iron and vitamin C such as red meat, green vegetables, and fresh fruits.

Tips for Pregnant mothers 19 weeks
After learning various reviews above, there are a few tips for pregnant women who need to be cared for. The following tips can help maintain the health of the fetus and the mother, as well as keeping the body of pregnant women to keep ideal. What are his tips?

Bring Fetus Talking
Occasionally invite your fetus spoke while stroking the soft stomach. This is to give a little stimulation of nerve sensors on fetuses. If necessary, invite the fetus talking and putarkan music to the fetus.

Gentle Exercise
Gentle exercise is beneficial to keep the body of pregnant women to keep ideal. Examples of sports that can be done is walk or lift the barbell. Simply take about 10 to 15 minutes so that the body is not too tired.

Health checks to Doctors
The last tip is always routinely checked the condition of the womb to the doctor. This is to keep the fetus in order to remain healthy. On the second terismeter, i.e. 18-20 weeks is the right time to do the ultrasound assessment. (read also: things to know by pregnant women young)

Such reviews about the condition of the fetus in the womb, 19 weeks. For maintaining the health of the fetus, the mother should remain active activity, underwent a routine inspection to a doctor, and consuming foods that are rich in nutrients. May be useful.

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