This is what you should do when the baby's Head is hot

Of course you don't want your baby is sick and has a head that's not hot. When the baby's head is hot, this shows that is going on an infection in his body.

Increasing temperatures have not been able in tolerir by the body's defense system. So the head is getting hot may cause an inefficient provision of neurons in the brain. Fever seizures may occur due to heat baby's head.

How to overcome the Heat Baby's head?
Hot baby's head should be dealt with quickly and precisely, before severe damage occurred primarily in the areas of the brain. Here are some summary on how the handling of the baby's head is hot:

Measure the Temperature with a Thermometer
The first step that you can do is measure the baby's body temperature by using a thermometer. Thermometer you can use can be a digital thermometer, mercury or the latest type i.e. thermometer infrared sensor.

You can put a Mercury thermometer or digital in some areas of the body of the baby, among others, in the arm folds (armpits) and under the tongue. If you are using a Mercury thermometer, make sure the mercury is at 0 before use. Note also the cleanliness and kesterilan thermometer tool you use. It would be better if the thermometer is used on one area of the body only.

Normal body temperature of an infant is at a range up to 36.5 37.5 degrees Celsius. Above the temperature so it can be said the baby suffered a fever and will show symptoms of a hot head.

When the baby's body temperature continued to rise to exceed 38 degrees Celsius, immediately bring the baby to the nearest service to get the exact kegawatan care. Fever seizures can occur when the baby's body temperature reached 40 degrees Celsius. It is very important to know the handling of fever in infants as a first aid you when babies are having fever.

Susui Cukupi and Needs Fluid
Hot baby's head shows the process of infection in his body is underway. Increased body temperature one degree will result in a 10% fluid loss. For adults, 10% fluid loss may not be harmful, but for the baby this is a serious issue and should be dealt with.

The baby suffered high fever and head of heat, can lead to dehydration or lack of fluid conditions. Soon susui as much as babies want, if his age was past the age of 6 months, you can add the fluid needs with the giving of the white water or fruit juice is healthy.

If, after the grant of baby milk and even vomiting. It will be better soon to bring the baby to the nearest Healthcare Center. Infusion fluids will be given to the baby being dehydrated and suffered the disorder difficult swallowing.

Compress The Head Baby
Give a warm water compress on the head of a baby can help lower body temperature and the temperature of the baby's head quickly. Don't do cold water compresses or compress it with alcohol, as it can have an impact on his health condition.

Thus cold water compresses can induce chills and seizures in infants. This can occur due to compress with cold water can cause an increase in higher temperatures. As for the compress alcohol is strongly discouraged, as it can cause poisoning or irritation of the respiratory tract and the skin of a baby.

Put a cloth that has been moistened with warm water on the area of the head, the neck and armpits. Based on recent research, only less than optimal head compresses an unused to lower children's fevers. On the area of the neck and folds in the arm or underarm there is a large blood vessel and do compresses on the area this will accelerate the process of dilation of the blood vessels so that the child's body temperature will quickly go down.

You can also use plaster compress an easy child's fever is found in pharmacies or drug stores nearby. To compress with towel, put the wet towels are approximately 15 minutes on areas that have been mentioned above. When using the plaster compress fever always follow the instructions of use and note the date of kadaluarsanya.

Pakaikan Clothes are thin and don't close Head
When the babies are having a hot head to condition his body shivered, not clothes clothing that is too thick. What's the use of a hat. It is not recommended, because body heat thus cannot come out with optimum use of thick clothing. Due to the use of the baby's head cap can become hotter and triggered the spasms a fever.

Wear thin clothes and blankets more recommended to accelerate the decrease in heat on the baby. Especially cotton clothing can be worn on a baby who suffered head heat due to a fever.

The use of a fan and AIR CONDITIONING can also be carried out, but suggested the fan or AIR CONDITIONING doesn't directly towards the baby. Winds that blow directly into the body of a newborn baby can be the cause of bloating and increasingly finicky.

Give A Febrifuge
Febrifuge can be granted in accordance with the dosage and the needs of the baby. Always pay attention to the dose and recommending the use of drugs for older babies. When not forced to use the natural heat-lowering the child in advance rather than using chemical medications may contain side effects.

But be careful and always keep in mind that the natural ingredients that you can use as a heat loss of an infant can be used after reaching the age of 6 months. I.e. after pencernaannya function properly and optimally.

When The Head Of The Heat Turned Into Spasms A Fever
Fever seizures can occur at any time especially when the heads of the heat and fever over 38 degrees. Knowledge about the handling of the baby when it happens is important to rush You know, before the onset of spasms a fever.

Fever seizures, also known as layman terms ' step '. What happens is the stiffness of the muscles of the feet and hands are accompanied by kelojotan on the whole body. Children will also experience unconsciousness when the spasms a fever.

A simple fever seizure lasts less than 15 minutes and not recurring within 24 hours after the first seizure. For complex fever seizure, a seizure can last more than 15 minutes, repeated in a day can occur more than once a seizure and occurs only on one area or side of the body only.

The first thing you should do when the newborn suffered the spasms is not to panic and stay calm. Keep your baby and don't try to hug tightly or stop seizures with a way to bend the limbs of children, it is precisely this can cause fractures in your baby.

The next step is kendorkan children's clothes, especially in the area of the neck. Tilt his head toward the left or the right, so the remaining milk or food are not stuck and shut the breathing tract. Measure the child's body temperature while experiencing seizures, and after the seizures stopped.

Immediately bring your baby into the center of the Ministry of health and the nearest emergency from your home shortly after the seizures stop fever. Hot and antikejang-lowering drugs will be given through an IV drip in spasms a fever failed to stop and the conditions children increasingly weak.

So the brief information about the occurrence of the symptoms of a child's head, as well as various causes and handling to be exact. Interoperable information regarding handling of the spasms a fever if the head is hot and feverish child growing in various independent management implemented after at home. All this.

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