Signs of Pregnancy 2 weeks you should know
igns of pregnancy 2 weeks in General probably already well known by the ladies, because basically before getting pregnant a woman also would have to find out in advance the various information about it. Examples of symptoms of pregnancy 2 weeks already well known one is late menstruation and nausea. But the fact that these two things is not a certainty, a person who is pregnant for sure late menstruation and will most likely be nausea, but people who are late menstruation and nausea doesn't always mean getting pregnant (read also: Late Onset but not pregnant, What Why?).
To look for signs of pregnancy should be done by looking at a lot of things, more and more signs of pregnancy that there is, the greater the likelihood of hamilnya also, though some signs of pregnancy are more recognizable and more common than others. Medically, the harbinger of pregnant especially in the first week must be specified since the last day you are having menses and is not after 1 week after conception. To know the signs of pregnancy 1 week more clearly again, our explanation here might make you more understand.
Signs of pregnancy after 1 week in touch
Have fruit hearts is one of the ideals or goals are always to be achieved by all married couples. Thus when knowing his wife is pregnant, the husband and wife couples usually feel very excited. But you should also verify whether the signs actually gesture of pregnant or not. Signs of pregnancy 2 weeks in non medical or physical is a more easily recognized by directly by lay people, although it is not as accurate as signs of pregnancy medically. The following is an indication of pregnancy is physically.
1. Bleeding
The first sign is usually occurs in the presence of bleeding or spotting of blood caused due to implantation (implantation bleeding). A bleeding that occurs because the process of snapping the candidate of the fetus to the uterine wall. Bleeding that appear in this process is usually just a little in the form of patches, much less when compared to the time of menstruation, so can be easily distinguished. This incident could be one of the symptoms of pregnancy 1 week. But if it has been ascertained pregnant and still experience bleeding spots when pregnant or young, you should be wary.
2. Abdominal Cramps
In General pregnant young in the early weeks also will feel this sign. Well, if you feel stomach pain or stomach cramps when you start to suspect that you are pregnant, it is likely that you really are pregnant. A sense of the cramps or pain is also caused due to the implantation of the fetus to the uterine wall that will continue to be felt during the process is still underway. If this happens again stomach cramps in the weeks that followed, you should memeriksakannya because it can be so it is a sign of a fetus that is not growing.
3. Change of Breast
Well, the easiest change note for those of you married couples are the changes that occur in the breast of the woman. Women would be more sensitive when his chest is touched, even just because touched branya itself, it also will develop a sense of pain. The discomfort will also be coupled with a measure that became even more magnified. Another telltale sign is the chest will become softer and also tender when touched. Signs of pregnancy 2 weeks which is usually perceived as well including itchiness on that section.
4. Late Menstrual
This sign may be one of the most easily understood. When the egg is already terbuahi then it will no longer be issued by the body (menstruation) and the ovaries no longer produce new egg cells during pregnancy. Therefore when you are pregnant, you will not experience the coming months or menstruation. Despite this inconclusive if too late menstruation means definitely pregnant because there are many causes of a late menstrual aside because of pregnancy.
The above mentioned 4 signs of pregnancy 1 week, there's more 3 other signs that you can read on the next page, don't miss the well about how to recognize the signs of pregnancy medically (including using the test pack) that has reaching 99% accuracy on the page.
5. Nausea and vomiting
Generally the signs of pregnancy 1 week indeed make women become frequent nausea and vomiting. Even this can happen throughout the day, although generally only happens in the morning or commonly referred to as morning sickness. If you started to feel nausea and vomiting in the morning, it could be just the thing to become one of the signs of pregnancy after 1 week.
6. Frequent urination
When you are pregnant, the fetus in the womb will automatically require a wider space. Well, the extensions of the uterus can make Your bladder becomes depressed and will make young pregnant women are usually more frequent urination. However, this problem can also be caused by other things and can not be absolutely determined as signs of pregnancy 1 week.
7. Easily Fatigued
The seventh sign that you may feel is you become more easily fatigued when performing daily activities. Even when doing small activities any energy you will not be as usual. If you have a history of low blood pressure disorders, you can often fainted due to fatigue very, very experienced. This must be controlled so as not to endanger yourself.
In addition to the things that have been mentioned above, there are still some other omens, including easier sleepy, Dizzy head, then You could also experience constipation. In addition during early pregnancy the basal body temperature (the temperature of the body after waking up) will increase 1 ° Celsius, but this would be quite difficult to be observed. Sometimes the stomach bloating or feels cold can also be signs of pregnancy.
Signs of Pregnancy 2 weeks Visits Medically
In addition to the characteristics of the physical changes that normally occur in women who are pregnant. The medical world has its own way to ascertain if someone is actually pregnant or not. Not to mention the current medical world is getting, and how to make sure the pregnancy someone more accurate. There are several medical ways you can do to check whether you really are pregnant or not.
The first way is to use a pregnancy test or tool which is often called by the test pack. This tool is very easy obtained including pharmacies that are present in your environment. How used is to perform tests of urine, and its accuracy had enough tested, have reached 99% accuracy rate. To perform these tests you should do it in the morning. If you are pregnant, then the positive signs seen are two lines, whereas negative if the line looks just 1. If let say that you pack test positive pregnant, make sure with the memeriksakannya to the obstetrician.
The second way medical to determine signs of pregnancy 2 weeks is by ULTRASOUND examination. How is recognized is the most effective and most accurate compared to the ways described earlier. With the use of ULTRASOUND technology you will be able to see what is inside Your womb there is a fetus or not, even you can clearly know the State of Your fetus in the womb.
So, hopefully this article can help you to find out if you are pregnant or not. Thank you.
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