Miscellaneous diseases of Tonsils, ranging from Symptoms to Handling
Hardly any of us who had never heard of the disease of tonsils. This disease is the inflammation that occurs in our tonsils. Do tonsils that? The tonsils are two glandular oval-shaped fruit, which is located in the back of our throat, one each on the left and right. The tonsils play an important role in the body's defence system, which protect the body against viruses and bacteria. However, sometimes the tonsils of our ' give up ' towards virus infections and bacteria. The tonsils become swollen accompanied by fever. We become difficult swallowing and throat felt any pain.
This condition is called tonsillitis. Tonsillitis is often suffered by children in preschool age children to mid-teens (tonsillitis are rare in children aged under 2 years). Why is this so? Because in children, other parts of the body that would later serve as a defense system has not been developed at the maximum, so the tonsils serve as the front guard of the main body's defenses. Nonetheless, the disease strikes all ages, meaning that any adult could have been afflicted by tonsillitis.
What Are The Causes Of Diseases Of The Tonsils?
Most cases of inflammation of the tonsils glands caused by a viral infection, although certain types of bacteria can also cause inflammation. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), as much as 15 to 30% of cases of tonsillitis is caused by bacteria. The most common types of bacteria cause diseases of tonsils is Streptococcus group a. in children ages 5-15 years, most cases of inflammation of the tonsils glands caused by a bacterial infection. While the virus more trigger tonsillitis in children aged below it.
The kids especially during school age and preschool many exploring the environment. They also play a lot with peers, who make their exposure to a variety of viruses and bacteria. In addition to the body defense system because they are not yet ripe, it also makes them more vulnerable to germs of diseases that cause tonsillitis.
Learn About The Signs Of Illness Following Tonsillectomy
Most signs and symptoms can be observed when a person (children and adults) experiencing inflammation in the glandular amandelnya is in amandelnya gland swelled and reddish colored, which makes the sufferer feel pain on a throat and difficult to swallow. Glands on the surface of the tonsils can also observed the presence of patches or layers of white or yellowish. Just as in the case of other infections, tonsil disease sufferers also experience fever and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck that feels pain.
Inflammation of the tonsils can only gland feels as if someone is stricken with the flu. In addition to the above signs and symptoms, sometimes a person's voice can become hoarse. His breath smelled unpleasant, coughing, nausea, tired, and not rarely sufferers tonsillitis complained of headaches and stiff sense around the neck. In small children, the symptoms of tonsillitis may also be colic, fussy, doesn't want to eat, and excess saliva production due to difficult or pain when swallowing.
An accurate diagnosis is needed to find out if you or your heart disease fruit tonsils. Check with your child to see a doctor when a sore throat which feels does not disappear within 24 to 48 hours (which makes it difficult or feel pain during swallowing) or if it appears weak or cranky. Don't delay to checked the fruit of your heart to the nearest health facility if he really could not swallow, difficult breathing, and issued a lot of saliva.
What can you do to cope with Tonsillitis?
The good news is, inflammation of the tonsils glands generally easy terdiagnosa of the results of the physical examination. In addition, the General signs and symptoms that arise will be lost within 7 to 10 days. In that time span, of course you can do some things to relieve the signs and symptoms. Below is the handling of tonsil ailments that you can do at home:
Rest at home
If you suspect yourself exposed to tonsillitis, take off from work to rest at home. Likewise, when the disease was contracted by the fruit of your heart. Allow the children to not enter school until he felt better. Tonsillitis is not contagious, but the viruses or bacteria that cause tonsils glands undergo infectious peradanganlah. With the rest at home, a virus or bacteria that there would be less likely to spread to other people.
Not coughing or sneezing carelessly
If tonsils disease caused by the influenza virus, this step can be very beneficial to prevent further spread of the virus. When coughing or sneezing, using a tissue to cover Your mouth and nose and then immediately dispose of the tissue in the trash. If there isn't a tissue, use Your elbow in the side to cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. After that, wash your hands immediately. Teach this to Your sons and daughters, in order for the custom embedded there.
Drinking paracetamol
Fever is the body's temperature when above 37.5 degrees Celsius (provide a thermometer to monitor the temperature of the body accurately). Fever can be appeased with paracetamol, where you can discuss the overdose with doctor or pharmacist. If you need to compress the body with a warm compress. In addition, to relieve a sore throat you can gargle with warm water salt already.
How To Treat The Disease Of Tonsils?
The treatment of tonsillitis depends heavily on the virus or bacteria causes the onset of inflammation. Tonsillitis is caused by a viral infection will heal by itself. This trigger will not respond to administering antibiotics. While tonsillitis is caused by a bacterial infection, your doctor will prescribe administering antibiotics. When doctors give antibiotics, you should drink it until it runs out.
Surgery to remove the tonsils called a tonsillectomy. At first this surgery is a procedure performed to treat tonsillitis. However, now this is surgical removal of the tonsils is only recommended in individuals who experience chronic or recurrent tonsillitis. Surgical removal of the tonsils is also recommended if the tonsil ailments suffered by the individual not berespon against treatment, or if complications arise due to tonsillitis.
Tonsil disease itself rarely causes serious complications. Even so, there is no harm in taking steps to increase our vigilance. Precautionary measures that we do is not to prevent the arrival of tonsillitis itself, but further to strengthen our immune system so that the body always wins the battle against germs of diseases coming attack . Eat nutritious and hygienic food, keep the hygiene, as well as apply the patterns of life to live healthier. Hope this article is useful.
How To Treat The Disease Of Tonsils?
The treatment of tonsillitis depends heavily on the virus or bacteria causes the onset of inflammation. Tonsillitis is caused by a viral infection will heal by itself. This trigger will not respond to administering antibiotics. While tonsillitis is caused by a bacterial infection, your doctor will prescribe administering antibiotics. When doctors give antibiotics, you should drink it until it runs out.
Surgery to remove the tonsils called a tonsillectomy. At first this surgery is a procedure performed to treat tonsillitis. However, now this is surgical removal of the tonsils is only recommended in individuals who experience chronic or recurrent tonsillitis. Surgical removal of the tonsils is also recommended if the tonsil ailments suffered by the individual not berespon against treatment, or if complications arise due to tonsillitis.
Tonsil disease itself rarely causes serious complications. Even so, there is no harm in taking steps to increase our vigilance. Precautionary measures that we do is not to prevent the arrival of tonsillitis itself, but further to strengthen our immune system so that the body always wins the battle against germs of diseases coming attack . Eat nutritious and hygienic food, keep the hygiene, as well as apply the patterns of life to live healthier. Hope this article is useful.
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