The importance of Knowledge for Diarrhoea Drug Babies for a mother
Provide basic knowledge of supply to a mother about the drug to babies diarrhoea is the important thing to do. How does illness or diarrhoea diarrhoea for adults is indeed too dangerous and threatening, but if this happens in a baby can turn into a dangerous threat. Experienced diarrhoea in infants is very likely to make their experience a lack of fluids (dehydration). The conditions of dehydration this feared would threaten the life of a baby if the handling is given too late. In addition to its treatment, a mother will also need to know the causes of diarrhoea in infants are many kinds. For it in this article besides discussing about what medications to babies diarrhoea which is easily done at home, we will also provide a little knowledge about the causes of diarrhoea in infants.
Diarrhoea medication for the baby who is easily Done
The body of a newborn 90% consists of water different from adults only revolves around 70% of the total weight, for that's a baby more susceptible to dehydration as compared with adults. The conditions of dehydration that can be threatening a baby this is what causes every mother is important to equip themselves with the knowledge of medicine for diarrhoea following infant.
1. Breast feeding
Breast milk (BREAST MILK) is the first baby for diarrhoea medicine which we will discuss in this article. Many parents who suspect that diarrhea in infants caused by consumption of BREAST MILK and often stop his deed. It is certainly wrong, ASI to date is still the first choice and the main food for a baby under 6 months and if you mengehentikan or replace his deed with other dairy products can worsen the condition of the baby.
ASI has the most complete nutritional content and the most appropriate needed a baby. In BREAST MILK there are carbohydrates, proteins, and also fat, and also various minerals and vitamins such as vitamin K, vitamin D, vitamin E, Vitamin A and more. ASI is also known to contain carnitine, a compound that is important in the formation of energy to keep the body's metabolism of a baby. Even on the day of 1-5 in BREAST MILK called colostrum and there are many antibodies that are essential to the life of a baby in the future.
In addition it is 87.5% of ASI is water that can prevent a baby suffered dehydration due to diarrhea. Then, do you still hesitate? Give BREAST MILK if your baby is experiencing diarrhoea so they will avoid dehydration. (Read also: these 6 steps How Breastfeeding is good and correct)
2. avoid beverages such as juices and carbonated beverages
Diarrhoea medication next to babies is don't try to give other beverages such as carbonated drinks let alone jusa as a substitute for breast milk. Granting of juices and drinks berkarbon will memperberat diarrhea experienced by the baby. So what if the baby did not consume BREAST MILK from birth?
If your baby is indeed not consume BREAST MILK since childhood and during this familiar formula given, then you need to pay attention to the type of milk formula. Avoid granting a high lactose milk formula, this is due to our digestive system is more difficult to digest lactose as compared to other types of sugar. But if the baby is indeed consume BREAST MILK, then none of the drinks that could replace it.
3. Oral rehydration therapy
The mother must have often heard about kind of fluid replacement for this one. Oral rehydration therapy is one remedy for diarrhoea infants the most prescribed in order to maintain the condition of fluid balance in their body. In the material of the ORS have available glucose, ions of sodium, chloride and Potassium ions are also required by the time the baby is dehydrated.
But, what if you don't have these supplies, so the ORS? Not to worry, you can prepare your own replacement fluids in homes that contain almost similar to oral rehydration therapy. How to prepare this drink is also quite easy, you can simply prepare warm water (can use cold water) as much as the 200cc and add 4 tablespoons sugar and ½ teaspoon of salt into it and then mix well. Administering oral rehydration therapy is recommended as much as the child wants.
4. To avoid the possibility of losing fluids
Simple tips can mothers do at home as a remedy for diarrhoea infants is to prevent all possible loss of fluid that can be experienced by the baby. This fluid loss can be tejadi if the fruit hearts kept sweating due to overheating, place your child in a cool room and good ventilasinya in order to keep the lost liquids apart from diarrhoea which are hers.
The various causes of Diarrhea in Babies whose Mothers need to Know
After discussing the drug to babies diarrhoea which can give your mother at home, it is important for mothers to know very little about the causes of diarrhea or diarrhoea in infants. Causes of indigestion is the most frequently encountered is an infection especially viral infections i.e. Rotavirus which will make the fruit of careful experience diarrhea accompanied by vomiting liquid history tract infection the previous breath.
In addition to virus infection, a baby experiencing diarrhea can also be caused by certain bacterial infections in which bacterial toxins from the bacteria can affect the balance in the channel of cerna and culminate in an infant diarrhea. Complaints caused by bacterial infections can range from liquid to diarrhea diarrhea is slimy and bloody.
In the case of a virus or bacterial infection either, in addition to maintaining the balance of fluids with diarrhoea for infants above you need a certain amount of a specific drug from the doctor. For it is important for a mother to maintain the cleanliness of any food being consumed in addition to your baby, wash your hands before preparing food you will also need to pay attention to the cleanliness of the environment where he's playing and lying, objects which into the piece and of course the cleanliness of the adults around them.
The next cause of diarrhea in infants is a mismatch with infant formula (especially high lactose) that will interfere with the function or bowel movement from the baby. Complaints can be the mother of a baby who suffered diarrhea due to lactose digestive disorder diarrhea, besides smelling acid with red bottoms so the baby will also seem bloated. For that is why it is very important for the mother to provide BREAST MILK exclusively for 6 months without change or add to it with any food.
So a little bit of reviews we can provide regarding the drug to babies diarrhoea and some causes that need mothers beware as it can cause diarrhoea in your baby. Avoid granting the remedy itself to the baby if you don't know for sure what the cause of the diarrhea. For it immediately checking your child to the doctor if fluid therapy with some of the above there is no improvement.
Diarrhoea medication for the baby who is easily Done
The body of a newborn 90% consists of water different from adults only revolves around 70% of the total weight, for that's a baby more susceptible to dehydration as compared with adults. The conditions of dehydration that can be threatening a baby this is what causes every mother is important to equip themselves with the knowledge of medicine for diarrhoea following infant.
1. Breast feeding
Breast milk (BREAST MILK) is the first baby for diarrhoea medicine which we will discuss in this article. Many parents who suspect that diarrhea in infants caused by consumption of BREAST MILK and often stop his deed. It is certainly wrong, ASI to date is still the first choice and the main food for a baby under 6 months and if you mengehentikan or replace his deed with other dairy products can worsen the condition of the baby.
ASI has the most complete nutritional content and the most appropriate needed a baby. In BREAST MILK there are carbohydrates, proteins, and also fat, and also various minerals and vitamins such as vitamin K, vitamin D, vitamin E, Vitamin A and more. ASI is also known to contain carnitine, a compound that is important in the formation of energy to keep the body's metabolism of a baby. Even on the day of 1-5 in BREAST MILK called colostrum and there are many antibodies that are essential to the life of a baby in the future.
In addition it is 87.5% of ASI is water that can prevent a baby suffered dehydration due to diarrhea. Then, do you still hesitate? Give BREAST MILK if your baby is experiencing diarrhoea so they will avoid dehydration. (Read also: these 6 steps How Breastfeeding is good and correct)
2. avoid beverages such as juices and carbonated beverages
Diarrhoea medication next to babies is don't try to give other beverages such as carbonated drinks let alone jusa as a substitute for breast milk. Granting of juices and drinks berkarbon will memperberat diarrhea experienced by the baby. So what if the baby did not consume BREAST MILK from birth?
If your baby is indeed not consume BREAST MILK since childhood and during this familiar formula given, then you need to pay attention to the type of milk formula. Avoid granting a high lactose milk formula, this is due to our digestive system is more difficult to digest lactose as compared to other types of sugar. But if the baby is indeed consume BREAST MILK, then none of the drinks that could replace it.
3. Oral rehydration therapy
The mother must have often heard about kind of fluid replacement for this one. Oral rehydration therapy is one remedy for diarrhoea infants the most prescribed in order to maintain the condition of fluid balance in their body. In the material of the ORS have available glucose, ions of sodium, chloride and Potassium ions are also required by the time the baby is dehydrated.
But, what if you don't have these supplies, so the ORS? Not to worry, you can prepare your own replacement fluids in homes that contain almost similar to oral rehydration therapy. How to prepare this drink is also quite easy, you can simply prepare warm water (can use cold water) as much as the 200cc and add 4 tablespoons sugar and ½ teaspoon of salt into it and then mix well. Administering oral rehydration therapy is recommended as much as the child wants.
4. To avoid the possibility of losing fluids
Simple tips can mothers do at home as a remedy for diarrhoea infants is to prevent all possible loss of fluid that can be experienced by the baby. This fluid loss can be tejadi if the fruit hearts kept sweating due to overheating, place your child in a cool room and good ventilasinya in order to keep the lost liquids apart from diarrhoea which are hers.
The various causes of Diarrhea in Babies whose Mothers need to Know
After discussing the drug to babies diarrhoea which can give your mother at home, it is important for mothers to know very little about the causes of diarrhea or diarrhoea in infants. Causes of indigestion is the most frequently encountered is an infection especially viral infections i.e. Rotavirus which will make the fruit of careful experience diarrhea accompanied by vomiting liquid history tract infection the previous breath.
In addition to virus infection, a baby experiencing diarrhea can also be caused by certain bacterial infections in which bacterial toxins from the bacteria can affect the balance in the channel of cerna and culminate in an infant diarrhea. Complaints caused by bacterial infections can range from liquid to diarrhea diarrhea is slimy and bloody.
In the case of a virus or bacterial infection either, in addition to maintaining the balance of fluids with diarrhoea for infants above you need a certain amount of a specific drug from the doctor. For it is important for a mother to maintain the cleanliness of any food being consumed in addition to your baby, wash your hands before preparing food you will also need to pay attention to the cleanliness of the environment where he's playing and lying, objects which into the piece and of course the cleanliness of the adults around them.
The next cause of diarrhea in infants is a mismatch with infant formula (especially high lactose) that will interfere with the function or bowel movement from the baby. Complaints can be the mother of a baby who suffered diarrhea due to lactose digestive disorder diarrhea, besides smelling acid with red bottoms so the baby will also seem bloated. For that is why it is very important for the mother to provide BREAST MILK exclusively for 6 months without change or add to it with any food.
So a little bit of reviews we can provide regarding the drug to babies diarrhoea and some causes that need mothers beware as it can cause diarrhoea in your baby. Avoid granting the remedy itself to the baby if you don't know for sure what the cause of the diarrhea. For it immediately checking your child to the doctor if fluid therapy with some of the above there is no improvement.
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