How to eliminate the Dizziness Head quickly, easily, and naturally

The immediate pain relief medication as a way to eliminate the dizziness head that you experienced? After reading this article, you'll probably think about it again, due to some kind of Dizzy head, directly drank the painkillers to relieve the pain you are feeling is probably not the best move. In principle, when you experience a dizzy head, the first step to do is to determine the kind of giddy head which one of your natural middle right now. Sometimes, the giddy head is one of the symptoms of certain diseases. However it could be dizzy head arises for granted without a clear reason.

When you consult a doctor, the doctor will probably ask when you head headache arising, is there any sign or other symptoms that accompany it, and is there anything that could potentially trigger the onset of dizziness like stress, certain foods, or changes in sleep patterns.

Before Knowing How To Eliminate The Dizziness Head, Know In Advance The Type Of Headache You Head
Broadly speaking, there are two types of dizziness head the most widely experienced, i.e. the tense headaches (tension-type headache) and migraine headaches. Headache pain as a tensed perceived pressing around the head, which can cause mild to moderate pain on both sides of the head. Dizzy head of this type are usually triggered by stress, tension in the neck (due to the stress itself or the particular activity demands a person in the position of static for a long time), decreased blood sugar due to late eating, depression, anxiety, or lack of sleep.
Dizzy head this can last for 30 minutes up to one week, with frequency also varies. It could be just giddy head it occurred only occasionally, but can also be very often occurs even if accumulated fifteen days in one month. How to eliminate this type of head is dizzy uptight can with drugs or an alternative that we discuss in other parts of this article.

Other types of dizziness head also experienced a lot is migraine. Migraine attack three times more women than men. The characteristic migraine is a throbbing pain with medium intensity up to heavy, even to cause nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light or sound.

During this we know as migraine headaches next door (only attack one side of the head only), but in fact the migraine can also affect both sides of the head. One of the many things that can trigger a migraine include physical activity, in contrast to the tense headache that is not triggered by physical activity. Without making any head way of relieving dizziness, migraine can subside after 4-72 hours.

Relieve headaches with Natural ways
Dizzy head of course can easily be overcome by taking medication that you can get at pharmacies, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. However, there are many natural ways that can be done to relieve dizziness head that you naturally easily and quickly.

For example, dehydration is one of the possible causes of dizziness head. In the case of the occurrence of dehydration, just by drinking water in sufficient amounts can cure dizziness head You in minutes (ideally within a day You should be drinking 8-10 glasses of plain water). Here's how to eliminate the dizziness head naturally more that you can try:

Dizzy head can be caused by narrowed blood vessels, which can be assuaged by ginger, so when drank ginger can help ease the pain of the head. You can manipulate the ginger to taste. One way of processing that you can try is to mix a little gingerbread with lemon juice and then drink one or two times in a day. You can also boil the fresh ginger or ginger powder with a little water, and breathe in the steam before you drink it.

Another way the try is mixing fresh ginger that is already digeprek and burned in a glass of warm milk or tea. Ginger already processed into candy ever brings the same benefits. Kunyahlah one or two pieces of ginger candy, and feel its benefits on a dizzy head that you are experiencing. In addition to the drink, there is one other way that is less frequently practiced, namely mixing a teaspoon of dried ginger powder with two tablespoons of water, then mix well and form a viscous fluid, and then apply on the forehead for several minutes.

Cold compress
How to remove a second head was dizzy by attaching the cold compress around the area that hurts. The cold caused a sensation was able to reduce inflammation that may contribute to the onset of pain. Do I just put a cold compress (ice bags could contain is already wrapped in a clean cloth, or a cloth dipped into cold water) to the back of the head. This step can relieve dizziness head due to migraine headaches.

You can also put cold compresses on the painful area for about five minutes, then so does not feel for fabric compresses an unused cool again you can dip it back into the cold water and repeat it for several times. However, there are opinions that State that cold compresses only effective to relieve pain due to a clash of heads. If the dizziness head caused by constriction of blood vessels, this method is not effective because the sensation of cold thus making the blood vessel makin narrows.

Cloves can be used as one way to eliminate the dizziness head due to the tense headaches (tension-type headache). The trick is to pound some cloves and put it in a handkerchief or a clean cloth. Breathe smells until the dizziness of your head subside. You can also mix two teaspoons of coconut oil, a teaspoon of salt and two drops of clove oil, stirring until well mixed evenly and then apply it on the head while massaging the sore area gently.

Who would have thought that the apples for this is known as the fresh fruit and delicious if consumed nutritious turns to eliminate the dizziness head. Apple, Apple vinegar, also can balance the acid and alkaline levels back in the body so that it can relieve dizziness head. Here's how? You can eat apples casually (without any additional) or you can add a bit of salt. You can also mix 2 teaspoons apple vinegar with a glass of water, then drink it.

Acupressure (techniques of alternative medicine by providing a gentle pressure on specific points of the body) is believed as one of the effective ways of eliminating the dizzy head. A point is a point to be pressed between the thumb and index finger, at the highest point of the muscles when the hand in position mengepal. Do for one or two minutes and then repeat on the other hand. You are advised to not pressing this point if you are in condition of pregnancy.

For migraine, one way of relieving dizziness head can also rest with themselves in a dark and quiet room (because one of the symptoms is an increased sensitivity to light) and massage gently on the head. You should also be aware of when you are feeling dizzy coupled with stiff neck, lost of balance, impaired speech, mental disorders, numbness, and lost consciousness. If you experience any of these symptoms immediately for help at family or your colleagues to take you to the nearest health facility.

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