This is the Hot Drug In a quick Relieve and natural
Experience the heat in is very disturbing and agonizing, therefore you need to find out what information the drug hot in a powerful and natural. Hot in fact is not a disease but a condition in which fluid and electrolyte imbalance occurs as well as a decrease in the resistance of the body. The heat in the generally mild and lasts only a short while. But in some cases also may take badly that trigger the onset of various diseases especially those associated with the digestive and respiratory tract.
Heat in usually characterized by various symptoms, among others, i.e. any discomfort in the throat, cracked lips, canker sores, bad breath that does not foul, increased body temperature, nausea, bloating, and constipation. Experience the heat in usually make patients less eager and decreased appetite. The incidence of heat can be caused due to various factors. Factors that can trigger the onset of heat in, among others, i.e. the weather too hot, too much to consume foods that are spicy and fatty foods, lack of body fluids, fiber, and vitamin C, hormonal imbalance, the process of inflammation, stress, and a decrease in the resistance of the body.
Various drugs in the Heat of a fast Natural Cure
Heat in can attack anyone, from children to the elderly. This condition can occur at any time without You even realizing. You should immediately address the heat in before his condition grew worse. If you experience heartburn, you can overcome it with different types of heat in the powerful drugs from natural materials such as the following:
1. Juice of lemon and honey
A blend of lemon and honey will be a powerful heat in medicine. Lemon is a fruit that is rich in vitamin C and honey is rich in various mineral and vitamin content of a very natural is beneficial for health. How to make it IE prepare 1 lemon, dividing into 2 parts, squeezed and enter into ¾ Cup hot water. Then add 6 spoonfuls of honey, and stir until evenly distributed. Drink the potion while warm and regular consumption of 2 times a day to relieve the heat inside.
2. Apple Cider vinegar
Apple Cider vinegar is different to other types of vinegar, because it contains nutrients that are beneficial to health, one of which is to treat heartburn. How to create heat in the medicine of the Apple Cider vinegar i.e. Prepare 1 cup of warm water and then insert into it about 6 tablespoons of Apple Cider vinegar. Mix until evenly distributed and then use it to gargle till the Apple Cider vinegar solution out. After a timeout, berkumurlah with warm water for rinsing.
3. Young Coconut water
You can also treat the heat in with young coconut water. Young coconut water is a liquid electrolyte-rich so it was able to maintain the balance of fluids and electrolytes the body. In addition to cope with the heat in, young coconut water can also serve to neutralize toxins, relieve dehydration, overcoming body heat, and increase the durability of the body. To cope with the heat in then you can consume young coconut water directly or move it to the inside glass.
4. Grass jelly
Drink this one also helps to heal inside. It feels cool and refreshing being able to remove the thirst quickly and lower the temperature in the digestive tract. Grass jelly is derived from the leaves of a plant that processed and rich in fibre and nutrients. To consume grass as a remedy in the heat, you just need to make it as a refreshing drink as usual but without the ice.
5. Green beans
The heat in the next drug that is green beans. Green beans is a type of plant nuts rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamins, minerals, and high in fiber. Consume green peas good for launch. How to treat heat in with green beans, namely prepare approximately 2 handheld green beans and put into the pan containing the 3 glasses of water. Then boiled down the remaining 1 cup water. After that take the green beans boiled water to drink regularly 2 times in a day then heat in you suffering will soon recover.
6. hair young corn
You may not have been many know the benefits of hair that turns out young corn can be used to treat heartburn. In addition to treating heat in, young corn hair also helps to relieve sore throat. To treat heat in young corn using hair the way is to prepare a single hand-held hair young corn is still fresh and then enter into a pan containing 2 glasses of water. Boil until boiling and then filtered to take water. Drink water boiled the corn hair regularly. You can also add honey to taste for added benefits and taste.
7. Galingale
Plants and herbs on this one are often used as ingredients. In addition to the full kitchen condiments, kaempferia galanga has many benefits for health including namely to relieve heartburn. To make the drug from heat in the material way is kencur prepare 2 kecur sections, peeled, washed up clean, then in grated. Once shredded, add a little boiled water and then squeezed. Stir in the juice of the galingale into a glass containing a half-warm boiled water. Then konsumsilah regularly 2 times in a day.
8. Yogurt
Yogurt has long been known as a drink that is rich in nutrients and contains good bacteria that are beneficial for health especially for the digestion. Yogurt is made from fermented milk. Consumption of yogurt on a regular basis can also treat the heat inside. Good bacteria stored in it can be useful as probiotics in your digestive tract to fight off bad bacteria.
9. Orange
Citrus fruits can also be used to relieve heartburn. Vitamin C in it would have no need to doubt. Vitamin C good for increasing the durability of the body against germs of disease, as well as to relieve the heat inside. Perbanyaklah consumption of citrus fruits that will help treat the heat inside.
In addition to taking medication in heat as we mentioned above, you should also pay attention to fluid intake. Konsumsilah at least 8 glasses of water a day. In addition perbanyaklah fruit and vegetable consumption to improve digestion and refreshes the body. Avoid a range of unhealthy lifestyle among others, namely smoke or drink alcohol and consume too much spicy and fatty foods. If you are on a very hot environment then konsumsilah more water and moisten the outside of your skin for example with a bit of water (water spray). You should avoid stress because it can also trigger the onset of heat in.
Although generally mild takes place, however, you should be wary if you experience heartburn occurs frequently, lasts a long time, or even show symptoms getting worse. Symptoms that need to be controlled as a sign of heat in you getting worse among other things the body increasingly limp, heavy indigestion, there was signs of a lack of fluids or dehydration, severe sore throat, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, or a fever. If these signs occur then immediately see a doctor or health facility nearby to get treatment and therapy as soon as possible.
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