A variety of venereal disease which Obliged You Beware

Venereal disease is a disease that strikes at the genitals or the surrounding area. These diseases are generally contagious and often identified with sexually transmitted diseases (STDS). Indeed not all diseases that occur in the genital occur due to transmission of sexual intercourse, could have been caused due to lack of hygiene or humidity which is too high in the genital area so as to trigger the onset of germs. However it cannot be denied that the disease can spread easily through sexual contact, therefore you must always maintain the health of the reproductive organs to protect yourself and your partner.

Venereal disease can be easily transmitted because of genital and surrounding areas is humid area making it easier for germs to breed, either on skin membranes, fluids, or mucus on the reproductive organs. The disease can strike both men and women, especially in the productive age either married or unmarried. In some cases there was indeed some kind of venereal disease more easily attack the male genital organs and likewise there are several types of diseases that are more easily attack the genital organs of the female.

What are types of venereal disease who need to look out for?
Genital organs particularly vulnerable because the disease germ covered regions that are moist and sensitive. Venereal disease can be suffered by a person because of a lack of cleanliness or sex organs in many cases contracted the disease from her partner are first infected with the disease-causing microorganisms. The following is a variety of venereal disease that you have to beware of:

1. Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium neisseria gonorrhoeae named. The disease is often called for gonorrhea symptom is pus like discharge pubic colored white, yellow, or green. It also marked by symptoms such as pain or burning when urinating, frequent urination, pain or bleeding can occur when sex, itching around the genitals, easily tired, and fever. Gonorrhea can occur in both men and women.

2. Syphilis

The disease is often referred to as a disease of the King Lion. Syphilis can be suffered by both men and women but in the case that found more suffered by men. The symptoms of syphilis, among others, i.e. the presence of a rash or sores on the genitals or the surrounding area. Then the rash may be increased in width and spread (it can also be to the area around the mouth). These symptoms are also followed by fever, headache, sore muscles and joints, as well as hair loss. If it is not tackled then syphilis can cause the dimensia, deafness, blindness, impotence, paralysis, even death.

3. Herpes genitalis

Gemitalis herpes is a disease caused by the herpes simplex virus. The disease can strike both men and women. The symptoms shown, among others, namely blister like sores that are reddish colored around the pubic area. In addition it is also marked by itching and pain during urination. These viruses can hide in the body without causing symptoms but one moment can appear or relapse.

4. Clamidia

The disease is more attacking the women, but men may also be affected. Clamidia clamidia trachomatis caused by bacteria. The symptoms that caused, among others, i.e. the discharge of liquids such as vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, pain or heat when urination, itching around the pubic area, and pain during menstruation. Clamidia can also invade the eye area, teggorokan, and anus. This disease can cause miscarriage or preterm birth in pregnant women and can also cause infertility.

5. Genital warts

Genital warts are caused by a virus called human papilomavirus (HPV). The disease is characterized by the growth of warts on the genital area or around the anus. These warts generally do not cause pain but will cause itching, redness, and bleeding. The dangers of genital warts HPV is a virus causes the disease risk can trigger the onset of cancer, such as cervical cancer, genital cancer, and cancer of the anus.

6. Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is a venereal disease caused by the bacteria trichomonas. The symptoms that caused, among others, i.e. the occurrence of irritation in the area of sex organs, the discharge of liquid from the whitish or yellowish colored pubic and can be bubbly/foamy, and itchiness and pain during urination.

7. Scabies

Scabies or Mange is caused by a type of mite sarcoptes scabei which is named. The disease is easily transmitted if a person wearing personal items such as towels or clothes belonging to people suffering from scabies. The main symptoms of scabies that is a great itching especially at night. Scabies in addition to attacking the genitals can also attack the hands, fingers, legs, and all over the body.

8. Candidiasis

Candidiasis caused by candida yeast infection. These diseases strike women more than men. The symptoms that caused, among others, i.e. the discharge of liquids such as vaginal discharge, itching and heat on the genitals, and can cause urinary tract infections. This disease other than attacking the genitals can also spread to other areas such as the eyes, mouth, throat, and lungs.
 9. Ulcer Mole

Ulcer mole about venereal disease caused by the bacterium haemophilus ducreyi. The disease strikes more men than women. The main transmission is through sexual intercourse, so that any woman can also be contracted due to the husband's behavior is changing. The symptoms that caused, among others, i.e. the incidence of ulcers on the groin injuries and pain in the genital area.

To be able to prevent the incidence of venereal disease, things to do, among others, by always maintaining the cleanliness of the sex organs, that is by the way always clean sex organs with clean water when finished micturition, for those who are married should clean your sex organs when sexual and will apply thereafter. A very important thing you have to remember that is always faithful to the one on your partner, because in this way you will avoid the contagion that is easy to happen because of the behavior of alternating pairs. If one of the spouses was suffering from venereal disease then temporarily use a condom when will sexual intercourse to prevent transmission.

You must also maintain the cleanliness of the clothes especially panties or pants outside. Wear pants that are always clean and dry (not damp) in order to avoid the breeding of germs as well as make sure you regularly change his pants every day. You should also avoid using personal items alternately especially towels and clothes. When wearing the trousers should not too tight because it will cause the pubic area around easy sweating to ease the growth of germs. If you or your spouse is suffering from venereal disease then immediately check with your doctor in order to be treated quickly so it did not increase severe and chains of transmission can be interrupted.

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