List of Fruits to lower high blood which is also rich in Benefits
Hypertensive disease or better known as high blood disease is one of the many diseases that attack the community. In addition to high blood disease is also sometimes a sign of certain diseases or symptoms that are more severe. Therefore to cope with those things so sufferers of hypertension could consume the fruit to lower high blood as a natural remedy.
There are two signs of high blood disease, which could be a sign if a person suffering from hypertension i.e. systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. Normal values for the systolic blood pressure is less than 120 mmhg, diastolic blood pressure and for its normal value is less than 80 mmhg. So if a person has a systolic blood pressure of more than 130 mmhg hypertension can be said already. Also if the person is diastoliknya blood pressure above 90 mmhg.
Usually sufferers already severe high blood is indeed obliged to consume the drug-lowering blood pressure. But for certain people that high blood pressure has not been too high to interfere with activity and the life of the patient, then how to handle the disease could still be using natural ways IE dietary for example with reduce salt intake
Other natural ways that can be done to handle the disease high blood hypertension or the other is to reproduce the activity or exercising and avoiding alcohol and also consume food, vegetable, and fruit to lower high blood.
Variety of Fruit to lower high blood Who is around you
How to overcome high blood disease with natural ingredients are indeed very good, e.g. with fresh fruits that are easily obtained around you. With fruits are tasty and easily searchable, then you will be spared from the disease of hypertension. Examples of fruits rich in benefits that can help lower blood pressure among others as follows.
First fruits could decrease high blood is wine. This is because wine has 166 mg potassium content in fruit as much as 123 grams of grapes. With this content then it will meet the recommended potassium needs of the human body.
The grapes as well as lowering high blood pressure-lowering cholesterol also functions as a and antioxidants to fight free radicals which are contained in the body of a person. Wine is indeed a rich fruit benefits have a high fiber and low in calories.
The next fruit can lower high blood is orange. Famous fruit have a high vitamin C does not have a lot of content of sodium. So aside from being a high nutritious vegetables fruit calories are low, this fruit can also be useful as lowering high blood. In addition to the orange type of lemon is also a source of potassium, potassium, phosphorus to folate and vitamin A which is nice.
Fruit to lower high blood the other berries. This helpful berries including strawberries and blueberries. These berries can be eaten more or less around 100 grams each week in order to be more effective in lowering blood pressure. In addition to lowering blood pressure, this fruit also has high antioxidant content so that the berries are very beneficial to the human body.
The next fruit useful for lowering high blood pressure or hypertension is a fruit watermelon. Red or yellow fruit that has a lot of moisture content also has a lot of content which is great for the body, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, and also useful to decrease obesity.
To get the benefits of multi fruit is very easy. Watermelon can be found throughout the region in Indonesia. Content of watermelon that is specific to decrease high blood called L-citrulline, which has the benefits of relaxing the blood vessels so effectively dispose of high blood disease.
Fruit to lower high blood potassium content of bananas are naturally salubrious. To consume their own bananas can be eaten every day because it will give rise to great results. This is because in one fruit bananas have potassium content of 12%, 8% and 1% Magnesium, calcium is good for lowering high blood pressure, and prevent strokes.
To consume a banana, can eat them whole or with added cereals and salad to baked goods. How to eat like this will not eliminate the potassium content that can balance the amount of sodium or salt in the body's cells.
Fruit to lower high blood next is the kiwi. This fruit has many nutrients, vitamins C and E, and potassium. Useful content other than that even, green fruits are small also has fiber and antioxidants are very high. So with that, the fruit is safely consumed every day.
This sweet fruit flavors are very secure consumed and can help control blood pressure. Eating kiwi fruit seed about three a day is even believed to lower blood pressure or hypertension efficiently and naturally according to the research. In addition, this fruit also contain immune strengthening, can cure asthma, as well as facilitate the digestive system.
In one kiwi fruit contain 7% 9% magnesium and potassium is needed by the body every day. This fruit much at the supermarket and keep in mind that this fruit also contain more vitamin c than oranges.
Lowering high blood next is the fruit of Apricot. Potassium content as many as 2,202 Milli grams can be found 119 grams of dried apricot or more or less as much as one cup. Apricot fruit is the best fruit which is very rich in potassium, low in sodium, saturated fat content slightly and do not contain harmful substances of some kind of cholesterol.
Fruit to lower high blood next is melon. This fruit contains 484 Milli grams of potassium or about Fourteen percent of total body potassium needs in a day per one cup size. In addition to this, melon potassium content also contain vitamin C, vitamin A, thiamin, magnesium and folic acid, and vitamin B6. This nice fruit consumed by everyone every day. In addition, the melon is also easily found anywhere else.
Hypertension lowering next plum tomatoes. This fruit has lots of benefits in addition to lowering high blood, i.e. preventing premature aging and diabetes. The fruit contains a lot of very useful lycopene is better consumed in order for maximum benefit. This fruit will also be better if not eaten with cheese or fatty meat as in pizza.
Fruit to lower high blood next is the guava. Guava has myriad benefits because it contains high fiber and potassium from natural ingredients. This fruit in addition to lowering high blood can also lose weight and digestion. For maximum results could have consumed the time of day and night according to clinical studies which ever country India did.
The last fruit which can lower high blood is the fruit of the avocado. These berries contain potassium, magnesium, and calcium that is natural and healthy. In addition, the fruit is green with a large seed also has healthy fat content that is safe for the heart and human health.
Such reviews of fruit to lower high blood pressure that is all around us. We can even find the fruits of this very easily. Multiply the consumption of fruit in addition to lowering high blood pressure also nourish and secure continues to be consumed. Certainly not forget to work out and eat more healthy food. The most important thing, if it comes to a person suffering from very high blood pressure, it will be better to immediately contact a doctor or health worker.
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