The function of the Intestine in the digestive system of humans

The presence of digestive problems may be one of them caused by disturbances in the function of the intestine. Intestine is the part of the digestive tract that connects the hull on the tip of it and the colon at the end. The length of the intestine in adults reach 6 metres. The long, winding and intestine folded neatly in the abdominal cavity of humans. This is happening in the intestine absorption of nutrients from the food consumed. The walls of the intestine is coated by a network that is shaped like a finger and very small, called villi. Villi surface area enlarging duty intestine, so the calories and nutrients from food can be much more diffused.

There are three parts that make up the intestine. The first part is the duodenal intestine, which connects with the stomach. The second part is the jejunum. The third part is the ileum, which connects the intestine with a colon. The function of each of these three parts will be pared further in this article.

Before discussing the function of the Intestine, check out interesting facts about the Intestine Here!
You might like to hear about some of the interesting facts of the intestine. Interesting facts the first is about the length of the intestine. The average length of the human intestine is 3-5 meters. Even so, there are individuals who have a short intestine, just along the 2.75 meters. There are also individuals who have a long intestine until it reaches 10 meters. The length of the intestine depending on how the measurement is done and the high individual concerned.

The second interesting fact is about in diameter. In adults, the average diameter of the intestine is 2.5 centimeters, while in the newborn is only 1.5 centimeters wide only. If on examination of stomach intestine diameter ronsen shows numbers more than 3 centimeters, then it is considered abnormal. Whereas on examination of CT scans, the diameter of the intestine is already considered to be abnormal when more than 2.5 centimeters.

The third is the interesting facts related to the villi that line the surface. It has been mentioned that the intestinal villi enlarge the surface smooth so that nutrients can be absorbed from foods with more optimal. But did you know that if these villi ' held ', the extent can reach 30 meters square? Wow, Yes! No wonder when the villi damage, smooth overall bowel function can also experience interference.

The function of the Intestine as seen from its parts
The task of intestine is to absorb a large part of the nutrients of what we eat and drink, almost 90% of the absorption of nutrients occur here. As already mentioned, there are three parts of the intestine. The third part has a role in ensuring the digestion process run smoothly. What are the tasks of the third section of the intestine? Check out here!

The duodenum
Duodenal served as part of the intestine that undigested food which is already receiving a portion of the stomach. The duodenum is the shortest part of the intestine, only about 25 centimeters in length and surrounds a portion of the pancreas. Duodenal intestine functions to do a ' prepare ' food for diabsorbsi.

So the food goes into the duodenum, duodenal will react by way of producing the hormone kolesistokinin. This hormone that will be ' summon ' digestive enzymes from the pancreas and bile into the duodenum. Bile from the liver and digestive enzymes from the pancreas is streamed to the duodenum to mix it with food that is already half digested.

Digestive enzymes from the pancreas breaks down proteins in food and bile, and mengemulsi fat so food coming into the duodenum are broken down into sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids. In the duodenum also contains the glands that produce mucus which contains bicarbonate, which is alkaline. This mucus, combined with the bicarbonate from the pancreas, instrumental in neutralizing stomach acid contained in food enters the intestine.

Jejunum is the middle part of the intestine, the length is about 2.5 metres and there are the villi that line the surface of the walls. The function of the intestine to absorb nutrients in the form of sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids take place here. The nutritional substances are then sent into the bloodstream to be circulated throughout the body.

Each villi that line the surface of the walls of the intestine is connected with capillary and lymphatic vessels. Both have different functions. Capillary blood vessels served as the site of absorption of nutrients such as sugar (as a result of the breakdown of carbohydrates) and amino acids (as a result of the breakdown of protein). While the lymphatic vessels served as the place of the absorption of fatty acids.

The ileum
The ileum is the final section of the intestine that is directly adjacent to the colon. Its length is about 3 meters, and on the surface of the walls is also the same as in the villi jejunum. Its main function is to absorb vitamin B12 and bile acids, as well as other nutrients are left.

The ileum is apparently also perform the function of the intestine associated with the body's defense system. This is because there are delicate intestinal gut flora that naturally contribute positively there immune system. Especially in the ileum, there is a collection of lymphatic tissue called the Peyer's patches, which are also an important part of the digestive system that helps keep the body from germs of diseases entering via food less hygienic.

The disease can trigger Subtle bowel function Disorders
There are many ways in which the intestine may experience health problems. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), some of the health problems that often attacks the intestine and hence cause the malfunctioning of, among others, bleeding, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, cancer, infection, obstruction, irritable bowel syndrome, perlukaan, and bacterial growth in excess of normal.

Diarrhea is a problem that seems trivial, but could not be underestimated. Diarrhea can be caused by a bacterial infection of Salmonella or Shigella. In addition to the frequency of bowel movements increased and liquid texture, a person can experience fever, nausea, and stomach cramps. Diarrhea can destroy the villi in the intestine so that the function of the intestine in absorbing food could be disrupted.

Intestine cancer
Smooth bowel cancer belongs to the relatively rare when compared to other types of cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, only about 9000 people terdiagnosa smooth bowel cancer per year. About 60 to 70 percent of colon cancer tumor composed of smooth, Sarcoma, or lymphoma. Diarrhea and rash-red rash appears on the skin are signs and symptoms that although not so specific, but appeared on the smooth bowel cancer.

Celiac disease
Celiac disease is an allergy to gluten, where the intestine will be damaged and the smooth bowel function for mengabsorbsi food will be interrupted after a person consume gluten. Own a lot of gluten contained in most of the bakery products. That is why now many launched food products that are gluten-free. One is to accommodate the needs of individuals who have celiac disease.

Of blockages
Infection, masses, or intestinal ' spun off ' can lead to a blockage in the intestine. Signs and symptoms of the most common are nausea, vomiting, flatulence, abdominal pain, stomach feels hard, and constipation. If you are experiencing these symptoms immediately checking yourself into the nearest health facilities.

Well, it turns out the workings and functions of the intestine is very detailed huh? See it, then how can we do to keep the delicate intestines stay healthy? Health experts agree that a healthy food intake balanced with nutrition is one of the best measures to maintain the health of the intestine. Hopefully this article helpful!

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