Oatmeal is the secret of your Success in Diet

Oatmeal or porridge oats turned out to have various benefits especially for you who are desirous of implementing the diet programs in the framework of management of the Agency especially for you who are troubled with the excess weight. The following will be presented information on oatmeal and oatmeal recipe is delicious but still healthy and low calorie diet program for you.

Get to know the Oatmeal as a Healthy Diet
Oatmeal is the replacement of the staple food in the form of porridge made from whole wheat seeds that are rich in fiber and free of saturated fats or unhealthy fats. Oats have a latin name Avena sativa plants comes from North American and European regions. 100 gr. of oat content consists of 389 kcal of calories, 8 grams of 66.3% water, carbohydrates, as much as 16.9-grams of protein, with the amount of fiber as much as 10.6 grams. The rest is fat not saturated totaled 6.9 grams, as well as the content of vitamins and other minerals.

Various studies have proved that with the consumption of oats in the form of porridge oats or whole form or rolling pin can lower fat levels in the blood, and prevent the occurrence of coronary heart disease. Oats are also useful in the setting of blood pressure, as well as reduce the risk of the occurrence of diabetes mellitus and obesity.

Diet conditions due to excess weight, one would easily feel hunger. Oatmeal has a glut of excess and low in calories, so a suitable snack in between lunch and dinner. Even in a research terpublish by the journal Plant Foods and Human Nutrition also mentioned that the consumption of oats for 12 weeks is very related to the onset of weight loss, BMI (Body Mass Index), body fat and waist ratio and the pelvis.

Oatmeal recipes suitable for a Healthy Diet
Necessary knowledge regarding the serving of oatmeal a healthy for diet. Errors in serving oatmeal instead will result in weight gain, there are certainly don't want this is not. The following recipe oatmeal that are suitable for your healthy diet:

1. Oatmeal Healthy Vegetables & Spinach

Prepare the 200 ml of water or you can also use chicken stock, bring to a boil over high heat. After boiling stir in ½ Cup of oatmeal, reduce heat and stir until thickened. About 10 minutes then insert pieces ¼ Cup spinach and ½ tomato fruit into oatmeal. Add salt and pepper to taste. You can add a fried egg to add a wealth of nutrition and taste.

2. Choco Cookies Oatmeal

In your diet are also allowed to eat healthy snacks. To make one jar cookies oatmeal choco prepare 150 Gr. margarine, 115 grams Palm sugar/brown sugar, 1 egg yolk, grain 150 gr flour blue key and 75 gr powdered oatmeal.

Mixer with margarine and Palm sugar for about 5 minutes. After the median enter the egg yolks and mix again until evenly distributed. Stir in flour and oatmeal flour in the dough, add grain chocochips to taste. Chocochips can be used as ornaments on top of the cookies as well. Printed flat round dough above paper oven/baking sheet that's been dioles margarine. Bake on the stove over low heat for approximately 30 minutes. Once cooked allow to cool and put in the jar.

3. Oatmeal Orange/Berry

Prepare the ingredients include 300 ml water, 100 grams of powdered oatmeal, 1 sweet orange fruit or a cup of berries into smaller pieces, rajang 2 tablespoons orange juice, water, raisins to taste and 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon. The way of manufacture is to boil the water, then after the water boils reduce the heat and stir in the oatmeal powder and stir until thickened.

Serve in bowl of oatmeal with raisins, sprinkling the orange juice and pieces of Orange/berry and a sprinkle of ground cinnamon to supplement the taste.

In addition to using the juice of citrus fruits, yogurt you can use as an option in a mixture of oatmeal for lunch menu delights and refreshing.

4. Tutty Frutty Oatmeal

The choice of oatmeal with added fruit and other low-calorie additions can be a recipe for your dinner. Boil ¼ Cup of oatmeal in 200 – 250 ml water/low fat milk for 10 – 15 minutes. Prepare a piece of fruit such as bananas, berries or grapes. Add sprinkles sugar diet above a bowl of oatmeal that has been cold.

It is recommended to consume oatmeal one hour before going to bed at night, and if you still feel hungry, the consumption of apples or pears to tackle Your hunger.

Oatmeal diet recipe above can be used for one week in a row. Then, after 8 days to increase your calorie intake a bit, by adding salmon or beef liver/steamed chicken and added to the menu of oatmeal for breakfast. Konsistenkan consumption of oatmeal you up to day 30. The maximum amount of oatmeal that you can consume in a day is as much as one and a half cup of oatmeal (300 grams).

Consumption of oatmeal three times a day (every one and a half cups) will be equivalent to 1200 calories the body, not to mention with the extra calories from fruit and milk you are using as a blend of flavors. So keep up the diet of oatmeal with exercise is extremely important to avoid changes to the rest of the energy into the unhealthy fat that can settle the stomach and in Your blood vessels.

Some of the sports recommended a relaxing walk among others, run morning, cycling, gymnastics or yoga, sit ups and back up. To perform physical activity at least 30 minutes every day to optimize the diet you are to perform.

Error in Recipe Oatmeal Diet that resulted in Failed
Though oatmeal is famous for his prowess in lose weight while on a diet, but consumption patterns as well as the presentation of recipes is precisely the wrong oatmeal will boost your weight loss. Some of these errors include too many portions, using a toping unhealthy and excessive, as well as too much in the awarding of the seasoning or flavorings.

Some people experience failure in the oatmeal diet because it is not able to withstand hunger and presume that they are not a source of carbohydrates that oatmeal is enough for the body to bermetabolisme. When the oatmeal you consume is the food has to contain carbohydrates and high in fiber, so avoid the consumption of rice or bread after consumption of oatmeal.

Use the small bowl in a serving of oatmeal, so that the brain will perceive that you have packed in a large portion and the glut. The use of unhealthy toppings or excessive such as chocolates, sausage and fried foods can You replace with the use of dried fruits such as raisins or with the addition of fresh fruit.

The awarding of excessive spices and flavorings like sugar can You replace with using low-calorie sugar diet/sugar or honey. Excessive use of toping and seasonings will damage healthy content in the oatmeal himself, so consider again about how to prepare or Cook oatmeal for your healthy diet menu. Happy coding with various recipes for oatmeal diet and good luck!

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