Parts of the Ear and its function in the process of Hearing

Know the parts of the ear and its function is very important to be able to understand the workings of the ear and why the process of hearing can happen, to recognize and address the health problems that frequently strike the area. We assume that our ears is a single organ. However, did you know that any ear is composed of several organ? Yes, the human ear is composed of several small organs that can be grouped into 3 parts are external ear, middle ear, and the ear. Each of these organs play an important role to support the function of the ear as a whole. Not only that, these organs have also helped increase the ability of the brain to process and translate the sounds captured by the ear.

Understanding the parts of the ear and its functions can help us to know what are the things that are required to create a healthy environment and safe for the ears. Each of the organs that make up the ears work together so that the ear is able to capture the sound waves from the air, turning it into vibration and send the signal to the brain to be translated. So, if any one of those systems that are experiencing the abnormality or damage, a person may experience difficulty in hearing or even lost her hearing at all.

Know the parts of the Ear and its function
Our body has a system called the sensory system, meaning that the body has organs that are specific to a particular type of receive different stimuli. There are five kinds of human sensory systems, namely perabaan (skin), sight (eyes), pembau/smell (nose), taster (tongue), and hearing (ear).

 In addition to running the function to translate the sound waves into signals that can be understood of the brain, the ears also helps maintain the position of the head. Fluid in the ear can help balance the body so the body can maintain the proper posture and coordination. As mentioned earlier, there are three parts of the ear that is the outer ear, the middle ear, and the ear. Refer to the parts of the ear and its function is the following.

1. outer Ear

The outer ear is part of the ear that lies on top of the bones of the skull, which is composed of muscle, fat, bone, and soft. As the name suggests, the outer ear can easily visible because of its location outside the body. Its main function is to capture and direct the sound waves to the middle part of the ear, as well as to protect the eardrum.

The outer ear consists of the auricle (pinna) and the ear canal (meatus). Discuss about the parts of the ear and its function of leaves will taste less without discussion on the earlobe. The earlobe is the outer part of the ear that we can see is located on both sides of the head. The earlobe is not just an accessory only. Without the earlobe, the sound waves from the outside of the body can not be captured and forwarded into the ear canal. So we can conclude that the earlobe is an essential component of the parts of the ear and its function is very important.

The ear canal is the extension of the outer ear, is a channel that is very short. Length is no more than 2 cm. But, he held a very important function helping amplify the voice that will enter the part of the ear next to be makin easily translated. On the ear canal there is a gland that is in charge of producing fluid ear (serumen) which can be ' rinse ' poop in order not to enter the middle ear. The glands called the glands sudorifera.

Ear fluid or serumen are generated in the ear canal is often resembles a candle and on some individuals can be hardened. In addition to keep the dirt from the outside of the body did not enter the middle ear, serumen also prevent insects did not enter the ear because it disliked by insects. Arguably, this serumen is also included in the parts of the ear and its function is also significant.

Actually, serumen can return a body absorbed naturally and would not cause obstruction of the ear. However in some people serumen that produced excessive so that must be removed so as not to clog the ear. Unfortunately, many people are clearing the serumen the wrong way, such as using a cotton bud, rib covered with cotton on the end, paper clips, even safety pins. That means not only encourages further serumen into the ear, but also damage the parts of the ear and its function will be impaired as its effects.

Then, how can I clean the serumen right? The first step is to avoid the use of tools like cotton bud, rib, cotton, paper, pins, clips or hairpins. Use the ear drops that are widely sold in the pharmacy or drug store. These ear drops can soften hardened serumen so easily removed. If you are in doubt where that secure the ear drops or don't know for sure how its use, you can go to the clinic and ask your doctor or nurse there meneteskannya for you.

Two to three days later, tilt the head and squirt a little bit of warm water into the ear that is problematic. Then tilt the head to the other side to remove the serumen already dilunakkan. Finally, drain the water out of the ear canal and then wipe with a soft cloth.

2. middle ear

The second part of the discussion about the parts of the ear and its function is the middle part of the ear. The middle ear is made up of tissue and bone (already there is no skin starts on the ears on this one), and is part of the ear where the sound waves are converted into mechanical energy to be forwarded to the parts of the ear Next. Most of the diseases that attack the ears also occurred in the central part of the ear (although there are also some conditions that affect the inner ear).

In the middle part of the ear, there is a membrane tympani and 3 kinds of bones of hearing, namely the hammerhead (malleus), anvil (incus), and the Stirrup (stapes). First of all let's first discuss about membrane tympani, or often called a lay society as the eardrum. Eardrum played an important role from the parts of the ear and its function is very essential.
he eardrum has form as a thin chain, which stretched between the outer and middle ear. The term ' drum ' refers to how it works, where when the sound waves about this then this membrane membrane will vibrate and the sound waves are converted into mechanical energy in order to pass through the section of the other ear.

Malleus (malleus), anvil (incus), and the Stirrup (stapes) is 3 hearing bones that are related to each other. The series of three bones is to transmit the vibrations that are received by the eardrum. Malleus is one of the few very small bones in our body. In spite of its functions should not we consider paltry. Malleus is connected with the eardrum will vibrate the eardrum so exposed to sound waves and will forward it to the incus (in the form of mechanical energy).

In the incus, the energy of the sound waves will be collected to be forwarded more towards the stapes. Stapes is located exactly below the incus bone, and it is the latter who is in charge of collecting and forwarding the vote.

Discussion about the parts of the ear and its functions must not be separated from the tuba the eustachian which is also located in the central part of the ear. The tuba is a narrow channel of the eustachian which connects the middle ear with the nasal cavity and throat. Tuba Eustachian has several functions. The first is to maintain a balance of air pressure between the outside and the inside of the eardrum.

Normally, tuba Eustachian always closed and only opened when we open our mouth and swallow. When someone lies at an elevation of particular occasionally felt ears buzzing, it is due to an imbalance of air pressure in the ear. So, it would be advisable to ingest because swallowing will help open the eustachian tuba so that the air pressure in the ears will be back to normal.

In addition to maintaining the balance of air pressure in the ear, Eustachian tuba the other function is as a filter the germs that will go into the middle ear and the ear fluid flow (generated by the cells of the lining of the ear canal) to the the back of the nose.

3. Inner ear

The last one in the discussion concerning the parts of the ear and its function is the inner ear. The inner ear are responsible for ' translate ' the mechanical energy of sound waves that are already accepted and forward it to the nerves that connect to the brain so that the brain can be further responded. In addition, the inner ear filled with fluid that helps keep the balance organs that make up the ears.

As well as the outer ear and middle ear, inner ear also composed of some organs i.e. the cochlea, auditory nerve, and the semicircular ducts. The cochlea is a spiral-shaped tract membrane coated vigorously. Its coiled into a circle 2.5 so far make it often referred to as ' snail House '. The membranes that line the cochlea full filled with nerve cells that are designed in such a way by God so that each of these nerve cells can capture the vibrations of sound (in the form of mechanical energy).
So the sound vibrations are captured by the nerve cells, the sound vibrations are converted into electrical impulses which are then transmitted to the brain. When the ears are exposed to sound too harsh or too shrill, nerve cells that resemble the shape of the hair it will be damaged and can not grow back. As a result, a person may experience hearing loss. That is why we should not listen to the voice that was too harsh and it is recommended to close the ears in a voice so loud or shrill.

Semicircular ducts in the middle part of the ear is attached to the cochlea, but doesn't contribute much towards the function of hearing. This is because the semicircular duct is filled by a fluid, and the fluid will move in line with the movement of the body, so that it can help the body get a balance.

We already know the parts of the ear and its functions. It turns out there are many organs that make up our ears instead? We can conclude that our ears is a complicated and sensitive organs, because most of the organs constituting located inside the body, it is very small, and there are constituent organs proved to be our ears that when damaged could not be recovered ( auditory nerve cells). For that, let's keep the ears with their best of health!

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