Know the various causes of Long menstrual
Of course you will experience anxiety due to menstruation which failed to stop. Various things can be the cause of a long menstrual. Stress, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, illness or use of contraceptives are some of the causes of the occurrence of menstruation.
The following will be presented information on menstrual cycle is normal and not normal before a discussion of the various causes of long menstrual with treatment and solutions that you can implement.
Extending menstrual cycle due to a long menstrual periods
To find out if indeed you are experiencing abnormal menstrual cycle due to menstruation, menstrual cycle calculations correctly should be implemented. The menstrual cycle is also called elongated with oligomenorrhea.
The first way to know if you experience oligomenorrhea: with your first menstrual date noted for 3 consecutive months. Calculate Your menstrual cycle each month by summing the days between the first day of menstruation until the day of the first month of the next menstruation.
A normal menstrual cycle is 21 to 35 days. If you have a menstrual cycle lengthways i.e. more than 35 a day for 1 month, among the 3 months you have previous count then it is still reasonable. It could be caused by stress and fatigue only.
But when the menstrual cycle that extends more than 35 days occur during the 3 months of successive bandwagon. Immediately consult the doctor or specialist obstetrician obstetrics-gynaecology you. Later a doctor will carry out a more specific examination and knowing the conditions of irregular menstrual cycles as well as appropriate treatment.
Old normal menstruation is 3 to 7 days. Some other sources declare long menstruation is still quite normal for up to 15 days. If after the 15 days, the blood still coming out as much as the first day of menstruation until the third day, then it can certainly happen to a disorder in the womb which is mandatory for you to perform a further examination.
Some causes of Menstrual Cycle and the old
It has been mentioned on the previous explanation that the menstrual cycle that needs to look out for is the menstrual cycle are more than 35 days for 3 consecutive months. Moreover, with the old sign of menstruation that is more than 15 days. Here are a few causes for this:
Hormonal Balance Disorders
The menstrual cycle was heavily influenced by various hormone Gonadotropin-releasing, among others, hormone (Gn-RH), Follicle stimulating Hormone (FSH), Luteinizing Hormone (LH), the hormones estrogen and progesterone. GN-RH function stimulating body FSH and LH hormone produced in the ovaries.
LH is a hormone that served to ripen the eggs in the ovaries, so the ovary ready channeled into the womb by hormones LH. The hormone estrogen is the hormone that forms the wall of the womb called the endometrium. After the hormone progesterone, the endometrium will be in charge of the lining of the uterus thicken. Progesterone is also in charge of preparing and maintaining pregnancy in conception the sperm inside your womb.
If fertilization does not occur, estrogen and progesterone content then it will decline. So the endometrium or uterine wall will decay along with egg cells accompanied by contraction of the uterus that sometimes lead to menstrual pain that is not overwhelming.
Hormonal balance disorders can occur in teens who have just experienced menstruation or menstruation. Moreover, it can also occur in mothers who are over 50 years old and entered a period of manepouse. Balance disorder that often occurs when progesterone is produced.
Progesterone overload will create excessive thickening of the wall of the uterus. cause menstruation that are too long and many (achieve 80 ml per day) or called by the heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB), the use of hormonal drugs can be the solution.
Cyst, obesity, insulin-resistant in the case of diabetes and thyroid disorders are also a cause of berlebihannya the production of progesterone in the body of a woman.
The Use Of Contraceptive Drugs Or Contraceptives In The Womb
You need to know that the contraceptive drugs drug either taken shaped pills and injecting drugs drugs are a type of KB containing hormones. I.e. the hormones estrogen and progesterone. This hormone is used to change the condition in the uterus, so that sperm cannot fertilize an egg and pregnancy will not occur.
Long term use of contraceptive medications have many side effects. Such as estrogen pills. Early symptoms of use was bleeding a lot and irregular menses due to weakening of the wall of the uterus.
As well as birth control that is placed in the womb or referred to as IUD spiral/KB. The use of the IUD can disrupt the menstrual cycle and cause a long first menstruation when the IUD is used not in accordance with the size of the mother's womb.
Disorders of the Organs in the womb
Some conditions cause a long menstrual or excessive bleeding when menstruation. One of them is dysfunction of the ovaries, IE when the ovaries are not capable to produce the egg during the menstrual cycle.
When the ovaries fail to produce eggs, the body is not going to produce progesterone so that the lining of the uterus will not last long. Bleeding when menstruation can occur for longer than the normal 7 to 15 days.
Tumors and Malignancies
Polyps, tumors and malignancies in the uterus can be the cause of a long menstrual periods in a person. Consult Your menstrual condition and occurs three months in a row on the obstetrician. So the doctor will perform a thorough examination against your womb.
Usually ultrasound assessment will be conducted to find out if Your uterus is contained in a polyp, tumor or violence which caused a long menstrual bleeding, many accompanied by menstrual cycle extending. The doctor will carry out the uterine curettage or cleanup when the note you are experiencing one of the signs the symptoms above.
Sports Overkill
Exercise was carried out with the right dose of nutritional intake is accompanied with a healthy balanced diet has many positive effects on one's health. However olahrga that is implemented without excessive intake of healthy nutrition can be the cause of metabolic stress on the body,
Damage to the hypothalamus gland, which affects the release of LH and FSH hormones of the pituitary, namely that triggers the process of ovulation can also occur due to excessive exercise. The hormone progesterone will not terproduksi when a second hormone is not produced.
Excessive exercise in addition to trigger menstruation is longer, in some cases can lead to the occurrence of amenorrhea. I.e. the condition is not the onset of menses due to damage of the hypothalamus gland that regulates the menstrual cycle in women.
Eating disorders such as anorexia and Bulimia
Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia can be the cause of menstrual cycles and long length. Anorexia is an eating disorder, characterized by the rejection of all forms to maintain ideal body weight and fear of gaining weight. Anorexia occur due to irregularities on self-image.
Bulimia is a disorder condition how to eat by making himself puke with the use of laxatives, fasting or excessive exercise because guilt had been eating a lot of foods that can cause him experiencing overweight.
Both of these diseases cause the intake of nutrients that are lacking in the body of a woman. It can cause stress and hormonal balance disturbances, so that the menstrual cycle will be elongated or bleeding happens a lot so long menstrual periods become longer.
Well, says information about the various causes of menstrual periods long in a woman. As well as a little extra information about how to calculate your menstrual cycle correctly. Check with Your health condition immediately in case of menstrual cycle lengthways or for 3 months long successive – takes part. Hopefully this article helpful!
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